Spells of Genesis : Important server update this Thursday (November 10th)
A server update with two major bug fixes will be deployed Thursday this week (November 10th). We plan no game interruption, and you won’t need to do a new installation of the game, this is only on the server-side.
Please read below to understand the reasons for this update.
- Blockchainization process
An optimization about the blockchainization will be included. The button will now be correctly shown after the quad-fused process of a card is completed.
2. Historical bug : the divisible assets
On Counterparty blockchain, some of our historical cards (tokens)are divisible tokens. It was intended, and this token property can’t be changed. You can read more on their website here.
What does it mean?
You can hold just a part of it and it could be less than 1 full token into your Counterparty wallet.
How do I know if my card is a divisible token or not?
If you check your token on xchain.io and the number of it, is not an entire value like “1000”, but a value with a coma like “ 1,000.00000000” — then this is a divisible one.
Divisible one : https://xchain.io/asset/CNPCARD
Not Divisible : https://xchain.io/asset/WISEWIZARD
What is the in-game issue?
To be able to play a card, you need to own minimum 1 full asset. For years, the game has displayed an incorrect number of these divisible assets. It’s always showing 10 units of it in the game collection. 10 is the max unit number of the same card (even if you own 11, it will display 10). This bug generates technical issues (connectivity, lag, slow issues), and unbalances the game.
Why fix it now?
Unfortunately, this is mandatory if we want to improve the game performances to add more and more content.
What will happen after the fix?
Let’s took and example, the CNPCARD : https://xchain.io/asset/CNPCARD
For the owner of 2 CNPCARD, the game will display 2 CNPCARD instead of the current 10 units . If you own 0.5 CNPCARD, the card will disappear from your game, as you don’t own a full one. If you have 1, only 1 will show in your game.
I spent crystals to upgrade these cards, how to get them back?
Unfortunately, we won’t be able to help you with that.
But we advise you to crystalize them directly from the game to get your crystals back.
Reminder : if you crystallize a blockchain card, it won’t disappear! It will only be back to the minimum gold level!
Thanks a lot for all your support, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions